Zero-Tolerance Policy

Dear DATA Program Students:

As a reminder, the DATA program, CSEE department, and UMBC maintain a zero-tolerance policy regarding academic integrity violations. Under UMBC policy (insert link), academic misconduct may take numerous forms such as (but not limited to) those listed below:

A. Fabrication: The intentional and unauthorized generation or augmentation of data, information, citation, or result in an academic exercise.
B. Falsification: The intentional and unauthorized altering of any information, citation, or result in an academic exercise.
C. Plagiarism: The intentional or knowing representation of the words, ideas, or work of others as one’s own in an academic exercise. The appropriation of the language, ideas, or thoughts of another and representation of them as one’s own original work.
D. Cheating: The intentional use or attempted use of unauthorized material in an academic exercise.
E. Improprieties of Authorship: Improper assignment of credit or misrepresentation of material as original without proper referencing of the original authors.
F. Facilitating Academic Dishonesty: The intentional or knowing assistance or attempted assistance of another student to commit an act of academic misconduct.

(This includes using software, sites, services, or technologies that assist with any of the above actions for your benefit or the benefit of others.)

Please know that academic integrity violations reported by CSEE/DATA faculty are investigated promptly and reported to the UMBC Graduate School for tracking and potential adjudication. Depending on the situation, the penalties for academic integrity violations can include receiving zero credit for an assignment, failing a course, being placed on academic probation, suspension, expulsion, or other sanctions.

Again, on behalf of UMBC and the faculty/staff in the DATA program, we wish you the very best for a successful semester!